Saturday, October 13, 2007

Walking on the Beach Path, in Chacala

First thing this morning I walked thru Chacala to deliver a rental deposit to a landlady, and her husband. It's really warm still, even at 8am. And humid. But I think it might be cooling off a little. I read that is was 98 yesterday and I believe it. But it's supposed to start raining again tonight. I walked home along the walkway, or Malecon. It's a wide dirt path that runs between the big sandy beach and the little dinghy beach near the muelle (fishing boat harbor). Lots of flowers are growing wild along the path, and some were in bloom. It's amazing how many plants are blossoming at any one time, year round. Last Saturday night the banditos who stole Chacala's well-water pump about a month ago returned to the scene of the crime. This time they stole the electric/electronic? control panel. I guess they missed it the first time.
So we had no town water from Saturday night thru Friday morning. The small roof tinaco at this house ran out of the water the second day. I knew the boys downstairs would indulge in long showers until the tinaco ran dry. So I filled all my water containers (buckets, etc) from the shower head. And then boys keep showering, and that was that. No water by Tuesday morning. I had enough water to flush, and mostly took showers at a neighbors. She has a very large underground water storage tank and three large tinacos on the roof. She has four rentals, so she needs a lot of back-up water storage.It was kind of an odd coincidence. The last rain was on last Friday night, so there was no water for the plants all week either. Things around this house were looking very dry. But the plants are perking up again, and it's supposed to rain tonight. We'll see. A young blossom,
watching the boys on the playground exhibit the "manly" sports skills
Bored, I think.

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