Saturday, April 21, 2007

Starting Plants in Chacala

I have a new routine for adding to my garden plant collection here in Chacala. I will start at least on bucket full of starts of some plant every week, and also, starting new vines by burying a section of a vine stem, at least once a week.Right now I have 34 buckets or plastic dishpans, all with holes in the bottom, with plant starts in them. Most are looking pretty good. I am kind of proud of myself for sticking to my schedule. It's much cheaper to grow my own plants, and I like doing it. I am having pretty good luck, and some failures.I have about 50-50 success with bougainvilleas. I haven't figured out why it's not so good. But I am working on it. My project for tomorrow is to make starts from three different colors of bougainvillea plants: violet, red, and orange. But in order to have room to start them, I will have to plant three buckets of plants. I haven't decided what to trying planting. So much of what I am doing here is guesswork and experimenting.But the climate is so nice for these plants: humid and warm. It's never been colder than about 62 degrees or hotter than about 95, so it's nice for the little ones. Of course, they are in the shade and don't have to deal with the direct sun rays on their tender little shoots and leaves.

I am doing pretty well with this money-saving effort. I am trying to keep myself out of the plant nurseries. My addiction was kind of getting out of control.
But I have gotten some good deals lately. At the vivero near the Pitital Soriana (superstore) in Puerto Vallarta I spent 80 pesos on plants last week. About $7.20US. I got one pot of this plant. It turned out I got 12 plants from that one pot (20 pesos/1.80US).

My favorite starts are the succulents, but almost all the plants here in Chacala seem to be ready and willing to offer me starts that what to grow.

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