Saturday, December 09, 2006

Gardening in Confusion

I had been wondering how it is that my potted-in-plastic-bucket plants aren’t drying out very quickly. I discovered the answer when I got home from Las Varas today, while the town water was running, and discovered my landlord watering, actually over-watering, my plants. I have asked him not to water my plants, because some of them are plants of the desert, and need to try out between waterings.

He thinks I am wrong, and waters them anyway. I am afraid I will have to move them up onto my patio. Which might work out okay. This afternoon, the landlady’s daughter, Blanca, was helping her Mom clean up their old bedroom, so they can rent it out. And while I was over next door she started watering the succulents and cacti. When I returned, I tried to show her which plants she would water. She is somewhat learning disabled, and we didn't communicate very well.

Neither Blanca or her Dad seemed to be able to comprehend the idea that over-watering could be a problem for potted plants. I’m not sure what to do next about the watering situation. I think I will play it by ear.I know I don’t want them coming up and watering plants on my teraza. It’s difficult to maintain a comfortable (for me) degree of privacy here. I think privacy is not an issue for most local people. They have never had it, and maybe don’t understand the urge to be alone. Don’t know.

I thought I would be going to the vivero/nursery in La Penita today, but I just didn’t feel like it. I am still feeling tired and headachy. Maybe next week.

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