Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Lush and Green (almost) in the Rainy Season

It rained in Chacala several times right before I left on my bus trip to Morelia and Patzcuaro, and the landscape was starting to green up a little. But mostly the decidious shrubs and trees were still leafless. Then, in just seven days later, everything had turned leafy and green, and grass in growing everyway. The gravel driveway near this house is a carpet of green right now.

Yesterday morning I rode the collectivo into the nearest town to go to the Post Office and the ATM at the bank. The sun was so bright, the sky so blue, and everything else was soo soo green. Every color of green you can imagine. Nothing much is blossoming right now, but I know very soon there will be flowers everywhere, on every tree and shrub and vine. I can't wait.
This photo is taken from some very old indigenious ruins over looking Lago de Patzcuaro, in Michoacan, Mexico. It's probably zone 7 here. It's 7,400 feet and about three hours from the Pacific Ocean. (courtesy of DD)

I am getting ready to divide some very large foliage plants that have been in big pots for two years. All my gardening neighbors are prompting me to divide the roots, and have offered to help. Of course, the expectation is I will share. Which I will. Ladies come around two or three times a week, seeing if I have anything interesting. And they offer me cuttings and seedling when I come by their houses.

I am hoping to get a truck ride down to La Penita, the nearest town with a nursery, this week, so I can get some good dirt. And to go to the tianguis (street market) to buy some pots for my new cutting babies.

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