Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dirt in Chacala

I was at the tianguis/street market in Las Varas a couple of weeks and got to talking with the husband of the woman who has a plant booth. He and Jesus, one of my neighbors who has a used clothing booth at the tianguis, made a plan with me to bring two sacks of nice dirt down to Chacala for me. I was kind of half watching for the dirt, but didn’t really expect to see it. Many times plans don’t happen here, at least not the way I expect them to.

But the sacks of dirt showed up at my place, on the steps, on Friday afternoon, after this week’s tianguis. I wasn't sure who to pay. Then today I was standing on the road in front of Aurora’s talking to someone. It was a vistor who told me that on Friday a woman in a truck, named Angelica, was asking where I lived. Just then Jesus drove by. He told me Angelica has brought the dirt down. And that Angelica was the plant lady. And I should pay her. I told him to tell her I would see her at the market on Friday.Just now I took a little break from writing. One of my favorite little kids, Caesar, just came visiting. At Christmas he gave me a little gift. I told him to come to my house for his gift. And he showed up today. I had some little toys for him, but it turned out he wanted food. So we opened the fridge and he picked out an apple juice, a tangerine and eggs. Then I added one of the chocolate bars some visitors gave me. His Mom loves chocolate, like me.We put his stash in a plastic bag, and he headed home. I heard him call me a minute later. He was down to the road, with the bag of food and toys over his shoulder. He called up “Gracias, Anee” and gave me a big wave and a smile. Nice morning.

1 comment:

LostRoses said...

Very sweet, Andee! You have to feel good after an encounter like that. By the way, your blog loads much more quickly nowadays. Not sure what you did, but I like it!