Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Overcast and Warm, in Chacala

I was down on the beach a few days ago, visiting my neighbors from my beach camping days last winter. They have some beautiful cannas growing outside the pay toilets they operate for campers on the beach. And some coconuts we collected from the creek beach are growing like crazy. I love how the cocos sprout just sitting on the damp ground.
I just started my third little bed in my new garden area. It's partly under a papaya tree that's growing pretty quickly.
I am trying to take drainage during the rainy season in account, but it's hard to guess where the water will come down thru the garden, and where it will be trying to go.I am hoping that by having these slightly raised beds the rain water coming down into the beds will be able to drain out easily, but who knows. I am still struggling to figure out when various plants bloom here. I am always asking people, and often get conflicting answers. Or, at least, they seem to be confusing to me. Things are getting pretty dry here. It has rained one night here since mid October. That was a pretty good rain, but there has been nothing since. And you can tell. The vegetation and vines on the hillsides are starting to look stressed.

1 comment:

chuck b. said...

Wow, I never really thought about coconuts like that before...